The wordmedia is in a transition phase. Traditionally,media is the plural of the nounmedium. A medium can exist an information source. Newspapers are a medium. Television is a medium. So are books, the radio and the internet. 2 or more of these combined are media. A medium can besides exist a material or grade for an creative person. Oil paint is i medium. Collage is another medium. Put them together, and y'all have a mixed media piece.

Other plurals like this (and their singular counterparts) include phenomena (phenomenon),criteria (criterion),agenda (agendum) anddata (datum). For more discussion oninformation every bit a singular or plural noun, cheque out my next web log mail.

Here are a few examples ofmedia used equally a plural noun:

Sven worked inseveral media throughout his career, merely his favorite was radio.
Vera wants to annunciate her magic stain fighter in at least2 media, but she tin can't determine which 2 would be all-time.
Themediahave closely followed the news story since final month.

If those await foreign to yous, information technology'southward consideringmedia often is treated as a atypical noun, nigh normally seen with the wordmass orsocial orthe in forepart of it. "The media" has become the term for the conglomeration of all newspapers, magazines, broadcast news outlets and online news outlets. So, while information technology's always correct to usemedia as a plural, singularmedia has gained widespread acceptance. The Associated Press Stylebook says media is "[s]ometimes used with a singular verb when referring to media every bit a monolithic group."

Here are some singularmedia examples:

Themediahasclosely followed the news story since concluding month.
The Guzenheimer family said themedia hasn'tleft them alone since the terrible tragedy.
Old professor Kirkwood is disappointed with the modemass mediais reporting on the economy.

In the stop, here are three things you should know about the wordmedia:

ane. When deciding whether to treat it as a singular or plural, you demand to determine your intended meaning. Are you talking about two or more than data sources (each i being a medium), or are you talking most the giant, unstoppable, sometimes divisive machine known as "the media"?

two. Don't utilise the termmediums in this context.Mediums are two or more people who claim to communicate with the dead.Mediums should non be used as a plural for information sources.

3. Never use the wordmedias.Media is already plural.

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